Safeco Towing
Don’t get caught stranded. To find a car insurance policy in your area that includes Roadside Assistance, use 24 Hours Towing.
Best Car Insurance Quotes

If you have an auto insurance policy from Safeco, you have some excellent coverage that protects you financially in case a car accident occurs. You can be even more protected with the convenience of a roadside assistance policy from Safeco. If you are an active driver, odds are you will run into a lot of situations over time that are not life-threatening but are undoubtedly significant inconveniences on your time, money, and life. Many of these things are a lot easier to deal with using roadside coverage from Safeco. What are some of these unlucky and often unexpected situations that Safeco can help with? Read on.
What’s Included?
All of the essential roadside coverage services are included with a policy from Safeco. When you add this roadside coverage plan, the company will send out a truck to tow your vehicle if you have car troubles. Worried about driving with a new noise you are hearing? Let Safeco help.
Also included in your Safeco roadside insurance coverage are assistance with changing flat tires, battery service (if you need a jump start), car fluid service (including gas, radiator fluid, and brake fluid), and help getting into your vehicle if you lock your keys inside.
Additional services can include RV Roadside Assistance and Motorcycle Roadside Help. Each of these is tailored to a vehicle owners specific needs.
How To Use It
Having a roadside assistance plan from Safeco is a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones if an emergency occurs. The convenience and protection offered are fantastic to have, and the service is easy to use. No matter the time, day or night, all you need to do is call the toll-free number and help is heading your direction.